
No issue that we care about will advance easily unless our democracy is restored. This means that we must make the system work the way it was intended. 

Our campaign finance system is broken and in many ways responsible for the polarization and dysfunction in our politics today. I believe that money in politics too often skews decisions toward those who have power and influence. 

I believe that efforts such as gerrymandering and limiting access to the ballot are inconsistent with who we are as Americans, and must change. I will fight for a democracy where every American can participate and where every vote matters—anything less is a betrayal of who we are. 

And when foreign governments sow division and interfere in our elections, we must fight back. 

I am passionate about recovering the ability to work together across the aisle to accomplish meaningful legislation that is for the common good.

And I promise to listen. I will listen to my constituents as well as to my colleagues in Congress, regardless of what side of the aisle they may occupy. 

I won’t be afraid to engage the hard issues—and I won’t be afraid to lead.